Warmly Congratulating NSW MSA On Strathfield Seniors Weekly Celebration Success






The celebration of the Strathfield Seniors Weekly, jointly organized by Strathfield Council and NSWMSA, was held at Strathfield town hall today. The scene can be described as grand ,warm,united and harmonious. More than 200 members of MSA came from different places in Sydney. And four new art groups joined in MSA, which Brought us wonderful performances.

At 9 o’clock in the morning, members were all in the hall. With the music starting, people danced cheerfully. Please dance and laugh freely. Today is yous seniors’ day. Strathfield council and MSA would give you a happy day! At 11:30 o’clock, members began to taste delicious cakes supplied by council. Then MSA President Ge made a speech. She said ‘ I wish all old friends happy and healthy every day! You will enjoy yourselves here today.’ Then she introduced all the MSA board members. She said ‘ The reason our association developed well is that all the board members use serious management, warm service and selfless dedication. Their efforts bore fruits. Thanks to them!’

Then performances were the last feast of today’s celebration. This was organized by Ms.Meiyun Qi. Such a magnificent celebration, applause! Every member felt amazing,so beautiful dancing.

Multicultural Seniors Association is seniors’ warm home. We wish you a thriving!