3月21日週二Granville Town Hall 恢復了義工活動日。這天舉辦了午餐答謝會。參會人員:葛會長 竇會長,全體義工以及中俄後裔舞蹈團及龍飛鳳舞Nina 團隊。
我們可親可愛的葛會長, 常常不辭辛勞著奔跑,肩負起各項工作和事務。 3月9日 葛會長親臨Berala Community Centre 為Nina團隊調整排練場地。 在葛會長的親自主導下,中俄後裔友誼會日常活動有聲有色 豐富多彩。 3月14日在卡市活動中心召開了理事會擴大會議商議近期工作安排,選舉產生了第二屆中俄後裔友誼會理事會理事。
March 1st – 31st a total of forty-one dances were held in the exclusive dance venue of the Multicultural Senior Associations Inc. Among them, there were night ballroom dance lessons, three Latin dance lessons and five additional ballroom dance lessons on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
First of all, let’s review the overall performance of the dance halls in March. The most remarkable one is still the Granville Ballroom Centre. The comfortable environment, the comfortable dance music, the personal presence of President Dou, the efforts of the volunteers, and the enthusiastic support of the dancers have made the Grand Ballroom Centre a great success. The Auburn Town Hall dance floor is still holding steady members.
The New Vogue dance teaching class performed well. Ms Wu choreographed each class, the dancers studied carefully, and the volunteers actively cooperated to keep the dance floor flowing.
The Latin dance teaching class was affected by the government’s use of venue, and only three sessions were held this month. March 28th the class back again, the teacher did homework before the class, the dancers were enthusiastic, the volunteers cooperated well, and the dance floor had a good atmosphere.
Granville Town Hall resumed its volunteer day on Tuesday, March 21st. A lunch appreciation party was held on this day. Participants: President Ge, President Dou, all volunteers and the Russian-Chinese dance group and Australian Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance Troupe.
Our President Ge is always running around and taking care of all the tasks. On March 9th, President Ge visited Berala Community Centre to adjust the rehearsal place for Nina’s team.
Under the personal leadership of President Ge, the Russian Chinese Friendship Association Inc has been enjoying rich and colorful daily activities.
On March 14th, an enlarged meeting of the Board of Directors was held in the Activity Centre of Cabramatta City to discuss the recent work arrangements and to elect the members of the second Board of Directors of the Chinese Russian Friendship Association Inc.
On March 7th, President Ge hosted the Multicultural Senior’s Association Inc March 8th Women’s day celebration.
On March 8th. President Ge led a team to participate in the Russian Club’s celebration of March 8th Women’s day celebration.
The Australian Chinese Russian Friendship Association Inc also offers classes on how to use cell phones, birthday celebrations each month for its members and home care services.
Next up for The Australian Chinese Russian Friendship Association Inc is the annual Russian Easter Holiday on April 22nd. Please pay attention and register for the event.
Since the development of the Association, President Ge and President Dou’s dedication and hard work have influenced all the volunteers. It is commendable that the Latin dance class manager Anna returned the dancer’s phone to her home after finding the mobile phone for the dancer.
Farewell to March and into April. May all the members of the Multicultural Seniors Associations Inc and the Friendship Association, under the leadership of the two presidents, have all the best of luck and good health! Enjoy and happy every day!
1月17日《中俄後裔友誼會》《各民族中老年聯友會》春節聯歡會在Granville Town Hall 隆重舉行!由竇會長總策劃,總指揮,全體義工共同完成的一項獨具匠心的慶祝,活動影響大受歡迎。慶祝活動首先由葛會長致詞:預祝所有人春節快樂!身體健康!特邀代表俄羅斯博物館館長也為聯歡會致詞。聯友會所屬的四個藝術團隊表演了精彩節目。他們以朗頌,歌聲,舞蹈等形式傳遞著節日快樂氣氛,中午大家品嚐著中西結合的自助餐點特別羊肉串及涼拌菜深受喜愛,午餐後在優美動聽的旋律中,大家一起跳起歡快的舞蹈,場面非常精彩!
1月16日下午1:40分進入Granville Town Hall 只見義工們棹椅擺放整齊,廚房里切羊肉,牛肉,切洋蔥,洗青瓜乾的熱火朝天。每個義工動手能力特棒,會場上掛燈籠,掛會標,貼喜慶,佈置彩帶大家一聲不吭忙碌著。這幾天竇會於副會長從周六一早6點就開始採購食品,為慶祝活動順利舉辦出了不少力。竇會長昨天在家倉庫整理聯友會佈置物品整整一天給累壞了,晚上心臟難受住進了醫院,今天為了佈置落實"春節聯歡會"各項工作,提前醫院回來,真的太感動了是大家學習的榜樣。
為了保證各項工作提前完成,今天由:王 安,陳建清,李鵬,鄭寶英組成的車隊購買物品並將所需用品送往Granville Town Hall,一種無私奉獻的精神在義工團隊發光發亮值得歌頌。