Conference on disaster relief donations held in the New South Wales parliament house

At 12 noon today 20th November 2018, the president of NSW Multicultural Seniors Association, Yinglan Ge, was invited to participate in the commendation conference on disaster relief donations held in the New South Wales parliament house. The conference was hosted by ACYEC Leo Wei MP, The Hon Scott Farlow ML, Affected Area Farmer Representative Tim Leahy & Cameron Levick, Buy a Bale Chairman Wayne Thomas attended the conference and delivered a speech.

Leo Wei MP of ACYEC thanked President Ge for taking the time to come to the parliament to participate in the activities. I would also like to thank all the members of the fundraising and our MSA volunteers. No everyone’s efforts and not working hard, we can’t achieve this achievement today. There is no such thing as a thousand miles. Thank you everyone!

Congratulations to our president and the good results for NSW Multicultural Seniors Association.