November 2022 General Bulletin

From 1st to 30th November, the Multicultural Seniors Association Inc hosted 36 dance activities in its exclusive ballrooms. There were three free dances, and the night dances were dedicated to New Vogue lessons. Taking into account the new development in the new situation, the Association promulgated the “Code of Conduct for Volunteers of the Association” on 13 November, which includes seven articles that detail the rules of daily work and sick leave provisions in detail. Volunteers are required to enjoy and actively participate in community activities, care for the development of the Association, and contribute to its success. 

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, November was a good month for dance halls. The Granville Centre continues to be an excellent place for dancers to meet and enjoy themselves, not only for dancing, but also for relaxing and having fun.

Throughout the event, Auburn Town Hall remained a great venue with a positive atmosphere. Free admission to Granville Town Hall has been cancelled, and the dance floor staff is returning. She began walking the day after she was hospitalized on 26 October for a double hip replacement.

Despite being in the recovery stage after an operation, President Ge remains active in the work of the Australian Russian-Chinese Friendship Association Inc.

During the 22nd of November, the Australian Russian-Chinese Friendship Association Inc celebrated the births of November and December.

The special New Vogue dance teaching session was carefully planned and adjusted by President Dou and carefully taught by Ms Wu. The dancers were full of confidence and happy!

There is still room for new members in the “Jacaranda Choir Group” and the “Jasmine Art Group”. Please join us if you love to sing and dance and want to enrich your spare time and cultivate your emotions.

On Saturday 19 November, the “Happy Dance Team” participated in the Cumberland Bangladesh Spring of the Flower Festival on behalf of the Association.

A new year will be here before we know it. Time flies and the days fly by. We should make an extra effort to do better in 2022 under the leadership of President Ge and President Dou!