The favorite, warm and comfortable Cabramatta venue center:

The Cabramatta Activity Center is a favorite place for Chinese and Russian descendants. It is full of friendship and warmth. It attracts many Chinese and Russian descendants.

From May 2019 we will have wonderful events:

Starting from Tuesday 7th May, we will finish the singing class of Australian national anthem in English and begin to learn Russian song “The Road” in Russian.

An English class will be opened and the English class will be located in the lobby after the dance class by teacher Arziguli. I hope that my friends who have no chance to learn English can come to learn English. I hope you don’t miss this great opportunity because we have invited a very good English teacher! I believe that under the guidance of her teaching, everyone’s English level will have obvious progress.

The services we are preparing to work in all directions are:

1) Translating letters

2) Make a doctor appointment

3) Justice of the Peace signature

4) English class

5) Apply for home care services.

6) Interview with Chinese and Russian family history

Justice of the Peace: Agatha Yinglan Ge                  Tel: 0416824699

Dance House Manager: Sasha Peng                          Tel: 0422035587

Dance Teacher: Arziguli                                             Tel: 0419688638

English teacher: Teacher Pang                                   Tel:

The Cabramatta event venue is our second home! Hope that your family can be satisfied with our services, what are the needs of your family please submit to us in time, we will increase the service at any time. I hope that everyone will actively participate, give play to your wisdom and talents and support us with practical actions!

Thank you for your support! With your support, our activities will be better and more active! Thank you for wishing everyone a happy, auspicious and healthy life!